How much of the information that is portrayed in front of us is real?

When you speak to someone, how much of what they are telling you is actually true and aligned with what they are really trying to communicate?
Somehow, along the way, we have lost this capacity to feel what is hidden, to feel the underlying intention of words, of actions, of behaviors.

What are they really about?

The beauty of hanging out with kids is that they remind us that.

I already wrote this in a previous post, but here it is again: Have we forgotten how sensitive kids are?

I will give this short and simple example.

Last month was Halloween time. You know,…kids going crazy with candies.
My son, like the others, had collected a bag full of them and was becoming obsessed with it. 

So at one point, I told his father, in a different and foreign language: ‘’We’ll just throw them away’’

Somehow, I was thinking that the language barrier would keep that ‘secret’ safe, but nahhhhh, he went straight to his dad when I was not around and told him sadly: ‘’Mom is not nice, she wants to throw my candies away.’’

The point here is not about being nice or mean or whatever, but about how he KNEW what the intention was. He FELT it and his BODY reacted to that underlying truth. He TRUSTED it and he was RIGHT.

When you were very young kids and your parents were speaking in gibberish, in signs or looks, don’t you remember this feeling of knowing what the whole play was about?

How to re-access that sensitivity? Why have we ‘lost’ it in the first place growing up?

What if, by simply re-connecting to our bodies, relaxing and listening to what’s there, we would get to discover all of that?

And who knows? Maybe maybe, we would find a bag full of candies!