Princess Kaguya : ‘’Even a noble princess wants to sweat and laugh out loud   sometimes! Surely they want to cry or get mad and shout?’’
Mentor : ‘’No, a noble princess should never do that.’’
Princess Kaguya : ‘’Then a noble princess is not Human!’’


As I was watching this sweet and interesting movie, something in me awakened. Many layers are presented subtly in this animation, but I will chose the one that is the dearest to my heart, a subject that has influenced and lead my life.

Princess Kaguya, the main character of this tale, takes us on a Journey, … a Journey through which she shows us the consequences of becoming something that we are not. In her own words: Fake. From a wild free child running in the forest, she is transported in the life of manners, of well-preserved image, of ‘I have to’. She is asked to become a princess.

Don’t you feel like that sometimes? Becoming something that does not make sense with the Human Being underneath?

How many kids are asked to say thank you, when they don’t even feel real gratitude?

How many of us are told ‘Smiiiile’ in front of a camera, when no real inner Joy is felt?

How many women fake orgasm?! … Hmmm

There’s a reason for everything. Sincerely sincerely without judgment. Simply exposing what I hear or see for myself.

But honeslty, … tell me, doesn’t it portrays exactly the trap in which we feel so stuck and the main reason of why we are so hungry for freedom?

Absolutely nothing wrong with it, but what I got to real-ize, chasing freedom myself, is that I am actually chasing one main thing: Space. Space to know myself in a deeper way, space to assume it, space to allow it to be… For what? Might you ask. This might sound very ‘cheezy’ for some, but real-ly, … In this space,… I find there is more Love flowing… And that love guides me in giving back…

Soooo, sometimes, I ask myself …

What happened to real, spontaneous and authentic behavior? That quality of vitality, of energy that propulses genuine action?

We are born with it. What makes it leave us? Have we ever wondered where it went?

What happens with it when we accept to sell it to a role, a façade, a mask? when we accept to become something we are not?

Is there a way to use the mask and not let it use us, allowing the real natural human being?

Have we lost the capacity to sense deeply what is right for us?

Intuitively, we know when something is true and honest. We feel it. It’s vibrant.

So what makes you feel strong inside? What makes you vibrate? That pure clear answer inside saying: Yes!

Personally, it has been a forever quest and I totally DIG it!

If you also wonder, share with me! I’d be totally happy to read 🙂
Link to trailer :