Life As Temple is an invitation to walk through your life as a Priestess or Shaman with your medicine of love + eros. Every moment in life is an opportunity to serve this healing, which is the deepest invitation of the Temple Path, making love to life itself and taking every step in reverence, honor, and devotion. In this 3-day series we will discover the tools + practices to live Life As Temple, relating to each part of life as an art. We’ll explore how to create intimacy with self, others, and tribe in alignment with your deepest truth and authenticity. This experience welcomes all genders, relationship status, and sexual orientations.


April 12-14, 2024 *

Friday : 6p – 9p

Saturday : 10a – 6p

Sunday : 10a – 6p

* Attendees will be coming each day for the experience, as it’s not an overnight immersion​

A lunch is included Saturday + Sunday


Naya Nosara, Costa Rica

Life As Temple is a group initiation to learn and embody the tools + practices to support you in creating relationships that support your deepest truth, celebrate your true expression, and honor your boundaries + vulnerabilities, and embrace authentic pleasure as a way of living.


Part 1 – Intimacy With Self

Creating deep safety within your body + nervous system Erotic embodiment to activate your life force energy Connecting to your felt sense + desires Knowing what your yes and no feels like in your body Deep self love and worthiness ​

Part 2 – Intimacy With Others

Clearly and openly communicating your fears, desires, and boundaries The Wheel Of Consent to give and receive with integrity Exploring and creating unique relationship dynamics that are a right fit for you Masculine + Feminine polarity dynamics Exploring edges in sexual preferences + curiosities ​

Part 3 – Intimacy With Community

Cultivating your center in group spaces to stay regulated + in truth Erotic archetype embodiment + primal play Being seen + celebrated in your vulnerable expression Bringing your life force into your mission + devotion


Are you a curious soul, yearning for a profound connection to your inner truth? Do you seek the tools and practices necessary to not just understand, but to embody and express that truth with unwavering courage and vulnerability? If so, welcome to a space crafted for seekers like you.

Here, we embrace those who crave genuine connections within their tribe and partnerships—relationships that not only accept but also celebrate, challenge, and wholeheartedly support you, exactly as you are. Gone are the masks of performance, the need for approval, and the pursuit of perfection. Instead, we invite you to settle deeply into the core of your being, shedding layers of societal conditioning to reveal your true essence.

Our journey together extends beyond the surface, delving into the realms of sexuality, love, and relationships. We confront and dissolve the barriers of shame and societal norms, creating space for your authentic desires to flourish. Here, your sexuality is not just acknowledged but revered—a sacred aspect of your being that deserves to be integrated into every facet of your life, bringing joy and pleasure to every moment.

Life As Temple is a sanctuary where every part of you is not only welcomed but cherished. Join us as we navigate the currents of truth and desire, embracing the richness of our authentic selves and reveling in the exquisite pleasure that comes with living fully and authentically.



Space is limited to 30 participants. Reserve your spot below. Sales are non-refundable.

All participants will have an opportunity to dive deeper with both Holly & Jennifer through private coaching sessions after the container ends for additional support, and will be given the opportunity to integrate this immersion further with a uniquely curated Life As Temple co-mentorship journey.

Questions? Join our Whatsapp group to have your questions answered HERE


Holly Turiya | Tantric Intimacy Guide + Temple Priestess ​

My deepest passion is creating spaces, experiences, and containers that facilitate freedom and support the opening of your love + eros. I believe that when we step into our edges and dissolve the shame around our desires & bodies, that our deepest gifts & potential reveal themselves. On the path of spiritual awakening, we must remember that pleasure & celebration are deep medicine. Visit to connect deeper with my podcast, books, courses, and mentorship. Host of the Tantric Awakening podcast, and founder of the Nosara Tantra Collective.

Jennifer Ackad | Authentic + Soul Embodiment Mentor ​

Creator of ‘The Authentic Woman You Are’ transformation system and the ‘Authentic & Soul Embodiment Living’ movement, she has been guiding wo-men to create space in their body and in their lives in order to awaken the wisdom, truth and answers they hold inside for the last decade. Her programs are intimate containers where participants gather to reignite their innate sacred power, reconnect to their intrinsic gifts and ground in their true essence. By honoring their deepest desires and highest calling, participants shift their life & lifestyle, manifesting a creative and fiercely-aligned playground while empowering others. They Bloom into their gifts, their voice, their authentic power and propel their leadership to the next level from the guidance of their soul frequency.

Listen to Life As Temple Episodes 1-2-3 with Jennifer & Holly

Dive deeper into the themes of ~ Intimacy with Self, with others, with community and with Creation ~


Is this open to all genders?

Yes. All genders are welcome in this container. We will be working a lot with masculine and feminine polarity dynamics, and both these energies live within all genders.

Do I need to be in a relationship for this container?

No you don’t. This container celebrates and supports all relationship dynamics. So whether you are single or in a partnership, you are welcome. If you are in a partnership your partner is welcome to join you too! It’s a great journey to take together as a couple, but not required.

What is the level of erotic exploration or nudity in this container?

This is a level 1 container, where gentle intimacy building practices and boundary exploration will be shared that are very foundational. All parts of this container are an invitation to participate in your own choice, within your own boundaries and consent. During the classes, you may be invited into gentle touch, dance, or even slight nudity such as removing a top. Again, all is optional, and we will be sharing and encouraging consent every step of the way. Our closing Temple Night celebration is optional to attend, and will invite deeper levels or sensual + sexual connection within our group, practicing the tools you’ve learned in this training.

What is the level of confidentiality ?

All attendees names will be held in privacy and we will create group agreements where all participants consent to this. You can share about your experience in Life As Temple, however sharing the names of other participants is not allowed to keep a safe and contained space.

Where is this located?

Life As Temple is hosted at Naya Nosara in Pelada, Costa Rica. (Bocas de Nosara, Lote A22, Guanacaste, Nosara, Costa Rica)

What do we wear?

Comfortable clothes that allow for moving around like what you would wear to a yoga or embodiment class. You will be sitting quite a bit during teaching time, and then moving around quite a bit during practice time. Our closing Temple Night celebration you’re invited to wear anything that allows you to feel expressed, sensual, and beautiful!

Do I need any prior temple experience to attend this offering?

No. This is a level 1 offering, so no prior temple experience is needed. However some foundational basics of embodiment, presence, and being in a group field are required for this journey.

Where can I have my other questions answered?

We have a Life As Temple Q’s Whatsapp group that you can join HERE to have your other questions answered.