Watch till the end 😉
Kiddo in meditation process and body release.
Meditation is something that happens.
Sitting down meditating is a call from within to rest, release and Connect, and children feel when they need that.
So this video is one of a few captured spontaneously when the kid was feeling the call.
One would think that a mother would impose a meditation structure on her homeschooled child (or not), … but that is not true.
Even if the mind would want that, the child, if left spontaneous, would be pushing back the structure if it doesn’t suit a real need or desire to learn.
Children are not dumb, totally opposite in fact and Sensitive they are.
And the second they feel that the guidance they are receiving is coming from a place of projection and mind, instead of Love, they stop and withdraw.
It’s automatic, even if on the surface it does not show sometimes.
I will not have the pretention that I never impose or project stuff on my child, of course not, we all do as we are human and have our own limitations,
But if us parents can start bringing consciousness to the space we are coming from when are guiding our kids, and realign to the best of our capacities to our own self love and authentic responses, children would grow up much more connected to who they are deep down and to the essence that vibrates in them, knowing their value and growing with integrity.