by Jennifer Ackad | 24 Nov 2015 | Inspiration
How much of the information that is portrayed in front of us is real? When you speak to someone, how much of what they are telling you is actually true and aligned with what they are really trying to communicate?Somehow, along the way, we have lost this capacity to...
by Jennifer Ackad | 18 Nov 2015 | Inspiration
J’étais avec une étudiante hier matin et elle m’a dit, toute surprise: ‘’Je ne comprends pas ce qu’il se passe durant ma grossesse, …, pleins de trucs du passé ressortent, des histoires que je pensais avoir oubliées, des blessures que je pensais guéries, …mais non,...
by Jennifer Ackad | 11 Nov 2015 | Inspiration
Have you ever noticed how long a reputation takes to break? How, no matter what you do, something, somehow keeps on tasting the same? What makes us keep on looking at a person or a situation with ‘old’ eyes instead of ‘fresh’ ones? Take for example a family. Dynamics...
by Jennifer Ackad | 27 Oct 2015 | Inspiration
Se faire prendre en charge ou s’en charger? Avez-vous déjà entendu cette ‘expression’ par rapport à l’accouchement? Ceci n’est pas une opinion fondée sur le système médical, mais plutôt un questionnement,…un regard curieux. Où est passé notre capacité de ressentir, …...
by Jennifer Ackad | 13 Oct 2015 | Inspiration
I find it quite impressive how much our children can mirror and reflect our inner states, how often they are even more aware then us of what is happening inside and out. Have we forgotten how sensitive kids are? So when my son looks at me and tells me : ‘’C’mon mom,...
by Jennifer Ackad | 16 Sep 2015 | Inspiration
Princess Kaguya : ‘’Even a noble princess wants to sweat and laugh out loud sometimes! Surely they want to cry or get mad and shout?’’Mentor : ‘’No, a noble princess should never do that.’’Princess Kaguya : ‘’Then a noble princess is not Human!’’...