From darkness to lightness

From darkness to lightness

As I was walking around the homeschooling center yesterday, being inspired by the subjects of lightness and darkness, I bumped into this wall painting. Call it synchronicity ? … I say yes, as I am witnessing more and more everyday that there is an intelligence...
Earth drum

Earth drum

To the drum beat I move,From the heart beat of the earthI am moved … Spent a whole day last weekend creating this drum. After all those years feeling the call to create my own, timing was right this time as I heard the beat pounding. Pounding and pounding. From...


Chambers Layers after layers, diving into the body, ‘I’ encounter chambers. Plenty of them. Knock knock, is somebody there? Do I ask facing the closed door. Nothing. Solid as rock. Numb. Knock knock again, I insist, in pain. Nothing again. After several attempts I...
A roar coming from the heart

A roar coming from the heart

My ‘voice’. Not somebody else’s, not what people want me to say, but the depth of what I want to be sharing.. It took me years to understand how much that voice was craving to exist, to have a place.  Slowly but surely.  A roar coming from...


Assume. Assume ce que tu veux, Ce qui vibre en toi. Ce qui vibre dans tes trippes. Tu le sais c’est quoi. Et fermer les yeux? Je ne pense pas. Ce sera là tant et autant que tu ne l’écoutes pas. Ça parle fort, ça hurle, ça bouscule en dedans, c’est évident. Fais-le....