Grounded sweetness.


Everything has an essence,

A perfume of its own.

Every thing, every person, every element.

Here to touch us, to bring us their own unique medicine.

To help us evolve, mirroring what we simply have inside of us, showing us the path back to ourselves and to our own nature.


The other day after waking up, I grabbed that Cedar and burned it to clear the space before diving within and explore innerlands.

I usually go for sage or palo santo but that morning Cedar was capturing my attention more.

So I trusted it.

And it delivered exactly what I needed :

A grounded and sweet essence.

Right away felt,

To help me access those energies inside.


It really fascinates me.

How all of this works.


Sometimes and most often the flow is questioned. Life shows us and presents us with what we need and ask for but our conditioned minds say no or worse, blocks us from even perceiving the ‘opportunity’ / being receptive to it.

The opportunity is the one of going back to oneself and to the wisdom that vibrates within and has always vibrated. Because answers are all within, we have only forgotten it along the way and in time but they never actually left us!

So here are some open questions if you feel like it :::

What are you attracted to or being ‘called’ towards ?

Are you resisting ? or are you opening up to receiving the subtleties of the messages around you and inside of you ?

Who is resisting ? The fear of losing ‘you’ or an actual fear showing real tangible danger ?


Food for ‘thought’ and exploration if it resonates !
