So I heard of that little 4 years old boy who had a jammed colon.

He went to the hospital last week to get a colon cleanse. Now he is taking laxatives for the ‘problem’ to not come back.

Is the hard poop in the colon really the problem?

Or is it actually a symptom of the problem.

What is the root cause of what we see as diseases?

So much power is given to outside resources when nature, our body, is right under our nose.

What if the cAcA was actually there for a perfect reason, helping the little boy to cope with his everyday life situation, offering him a certain ‘support’?

What if the food he was ingesting was the exact food his body needed to find balance?

What are the consequences on the body after removing the ‘shit’ or changing the diet if the healing process is not assisted and guided?

What is the whole bigger picture of that boy’s reality?


The laxative is not going to change nothing long term if the SOURCE is not addressed.

Nor will the green juice.

Some food for thoughts!