My ‘voice’.
Not somebody else’s, not what people want me to say, but the depth of what I want to be sharing..
It took me years to understand how much that voice was craving to exist, to have a place.
Slowly but surely.
A roar coming from the heart.
Years to realize how many things I wanted to say but just kept on keeping quiet.
Attracting the beautiful mirrors of wrongness, judgeness, too muchness or shushness.
Women, you all know that voice.
The longing for expression is real.
Listen to it.
Deeply at your core there is a voice, your voice, waiting to be unburried, carrying You, your gift, your Medicine.
A unique medicine that touches every resonant part in others and helps them show up.
Serving them.
Your voice is important.
Remember it,
Reclaim it,
Own it,
Flow with it-s
and …
Respect it…
Happy women’s day 🌸
Happy Human day 💗